“日月如梭,光阴似箭”。“一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴”。这些流传久远的惜时名言,曾鼓舞多少有志中华儿女惜时如金,勤奋学习,以丰富的知识在各自的工作岗位上为祖国的繁荣富强而不懈地努力工作。 记得20多年前,我刚参加工作时,多少机关干部为补考一张文凭而四处求教,那种渴求知识的欲望至今仍在我心中留下深刻印象。而8小时之外,我们几个年轻人。常常聚在一起谈论工作,“吹拉弹唱”,锻炼身体。虽然业余生活相对贫乏,但内容却健康向上。
“The sun and the moon, time flies.” “An inch of time an inch of gold, inch hard to buy inch of time.” These widely circulated plutocrats have encouraged so many Chinese children who are determined to cherish their time and hard work and study diligently and with rich knowledge in their work posts to work hard for the prosperity of the motherland. I remember when I first joined the work more than 20 years ago, how many organs and cadres sought help in completing a diploma and the desires of seeking knowledge so far still impressed me. And eight hours outside of us a few young people. Often get together to talk about work, “pull pull play”, exercise. Although amateur life is relatively poor, but the content is healthy and progressive.