曾意外沐浴到政策“催产”,问世后却没有“暖箱”培育.保险经纪公司不再相信有救世主.“,”On November 12. 2002, Jiangtai Insurance BrokerCo., Ltd and 17 Chinese loss adjusters reached. a letteragreement of cooperation in which customers were ex-changed for skills -- the insurance broker swapped theresources for those of loss and claim settlement skills fromthe loss adjusters -- to compete with .insurance companieswhich onco monopolized the skills. The action can be seenas the beginning of a self-salvaging movement launchedby.the insurance brokers.in,China. The movement.rises.for the.reason that the insurancebrokerage in the country is in depression Only severalinsurance brokers--Jiangtai is one of them--can makeends meet, while others have to survive on capital. Theinsurance companies see the brokersswooping down on the market asintolerable. Moreover, the regulat-ing organs take precedence of in-surance companies over brokerswhenever both are in conflict. Ob-viously, the brokers could only waitfor death if they didn' t salvagethemselves.