题目1.请以“从一场球赛说起”为题,写一篇600字左右的议论文。2.语文老师在指导同学们写信封时,要求一定要把邮政编码写在左上方的小方格里,并要求把寄信人的地址、邮编、姓名也都写上。林红在下面嘀咕:“真啰唆!我就不这么写,又怎么样!”老师听见了,说:“你不这么写就寄不到!这可不像上课随便说话一样自由?惫思柑欤镂睦鲜κ盏揭环庥示炙屠吹摹⒂时嘈丛谛「裢猓男湃说刂芬黄瞻椎男牛皇潜臼械男乓话阒恍枰惶旒牡剑夥庑湃闯俚搅怂奶臁?rrrrrrrrn请从上面材料中提取一个观点,写一篇不少于600 字的议论文。“原人教版.
Topic 1. Please write a essay of about 600 words on the topic of ”Speaking from a ball game“. 2. When the Chinese teacher instructs the students to write envelopes, they must request that the zip code be written in the small box on the upper left, and request that the sender’s address, zip code, and name be written. Lin Hung said below: ”I sincerely, I don’t write like this! What happened to the teacher!“ The teacher heard and said, ”If you don’t write this, you can’t send it! This is not as free as talking in class.欤镂睦 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 炙 炙 炙 炙 炙 炙 15 15 15 (15) 嘈 嘈 谛 谛 谛 谛 谛 裢猓 裢猓 裢猓 裢猓 裢猓 刂 刂 刂 刂 刂 椎 椎 椎 椎 椎 椎 椎Do you want to sip milk?rrrrrrrrnPlease extract a point from the above material and write an argument of no less than 600 words. ." The original version of PEP.