为了探析竞技武术套路难度动作的体操化发展特征,文章运用文献资料法、录像观察法和逻辑分析法对竞技武术套路难度动作近60年的发展演变进行研究。最后得出:由于武术竞赛规则的不够完善、教练员和运动员认识上的误区,致使难度动作在“难”的发展上,并没有表现出其技击内涵的丰富,甚至在衰减。这种现象应引起我国武术竞赛管理部门的重视。文章并就此给出了相应的发展策略,以供参考。“,”In order to analyze the gymnastic features of the competitive Wushu routines, the paper studies the evolution of the Wushu difficult moves in competitive routines which have a history of about 60 years. And a conclusion is reached that Wushu routines have been developed towards a diffficulty-oriented direction due to the athletes and coaches' misunderstanding of Wushu routines and such a problem demands enough attention from the administrative departments of Wushu. Hence, some strategies are raised by the paper for people's further reference.