Gansu is one of the driest provinces in the country with dry climate, scarce rainfall and scarce water resources. The average annual precipitation in the province is 276.9 millimeters. The per capita amount of water resources produced is 1152 cubic meters, only 1/2 of the national average of 2,200 cubic meters per capita. The average amount of cultivated land per mu of water is 378 cubic meters, about 1 / 4. In recent years, the province has made significant progress in water conservancy construction. However, owing to poor natural conditions, too many historical debts, and serious lack of input, the water conservancy construction in the province lags behind in general and the water conservancy infrastructure is still relatively weak. Service support ability is not strong. Recently, we conducted a special survey on water conservancy issues in Gansu Province and conducted site visits on water conservancy projects in Baiyin City and Jingyuan County. Based on the field survey, the report finds that it is necessary to increase investment, establish a long-term mechanism for water conservancy construction, expand the scope of construction of irrigation and water conservancy projects, coordinate and promote water conservancy construction as a whole, and enhance the supporting capacity of water conservancy for Gansu’s economic and social development.