According to a survey conducted by Chinese and foreign scientists, groundwater reserves in the Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding areas have increased. From 2003 to 2009, the total annual increase was 18.6 billion ± 4.8 billion m 3, equivalent to nearly half of the reservoir volume of the Three Gorges reservoir at a water level of 175 m. This study was conducted by a team headed by Wang Hansheng, a researcher at the Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, who co-authored the Quantitative Assessment of Physical Matter on the Earth’s Surface with the Swedish Institute of Territorial Surveying and the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Hong Kong. The related papers have been published in international journals Earth Planet Science Newsletter. For too long, little is known about the state of groundwater in the vast areas of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau due to the very few available measurements of well water level. However, the change of its reserves is of great value to ecological restoration of plateau, development of agriculture and animal husbandry, prevention and control of geological disasters, engineering design and geothermal development.