不图虚名 扎实工作

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党的十六大为国防和军队建设提出新的奋斗目标,指明了前进的方向。军事、政治、后勤等各项工作任务明明白白地摆在我们面前。宏伟的蓝图和既定的大政方针能否得到贯彻落实,瞄准的工作目标能否按期完成,重要的是看我们各级领导能否扑下身子,求真务实,不图虚名,真抓实干。所谓真抓实干,就是既要抓紧,又要抓实。抓而不紧,等于不抓;抓而不实,等于白抓;图名而抓,误事误国。十六大号召我们与时俱进,开拓创新,这就要求我们要从现在、从眼下的本职工作和具体工作开始,一级带领一级干,一级做给一级看,把大家的力量凝聚到实际工作上,认认真真地干起来。抓实,就是要摸实情,讲实话,办实事,求实效。再好的蓝图规划,再好的主意谋略,不实干也只是一纸空文。写文章、作报告,提不高军政素质;喊口号、讲空话,实现不了跨越式发展。因此,这就要求我们各级领导必须真正转变工作作风,要扑下身子,深入基层,深入群众,深入班排,切实解决官兵关心的、制约部队发展的热点、难点、焦点问题,一定要克服形形色色的形式主义和只说不做、大说小做、重说轻做的“假把式”作风,摒弃花拳绣腿式的工作方式,真正把心思和精力放 The 16th CPC National Congress set new goals for the national defense and army building and set forth the direction for its progress. The various tasks of military affairs, politics, logistics, etc. are clearly before us. Whether the ambitious blueprint and the established major policies can be implemented and whether the targeted work targets can be completed on schedule can be achieved. It is important to see whether our leaders at all levels can plunge down to the ground, seek truth and being pragmatic, not fame, and work hard. The so-called real hard work, it is necessary to pay close attention to, but also pragmatic. Grasp rather than tight, equal to not catch; grasping but not real, equal to the white grasp; figure name and grasp the wrong country. The 16th Congress called on us to keep pace with the times and pioneer and innovate. This requires us to start from now, starting from our current work and specific work, to lead one level of work at a first level, Cohesion to the actual work, and seriously dry up. Realistically, it is to touch the truth, tell the truth, do practical things, and seek actual results. Even the best blueprint for planning, even the best idea of ​​strategy, not hard work is just a dead letter. Writing articles, making reports, mentioning that the quality of military and political affairs is not high, calling slogans and empty talk can not achieve leapfrog development. Therefore, this requires that our leaders at all levels must truly change their work style, and they must step down, step down at the grass-roots level, penetrate the ranks of the people in an in-depth manner, and earnestly solve the hot spots, difficulties and problems that the officers and men care about and restrict the development of the armed forces. We must overcome this issue All kinds of formalism and just say nothing, big do small, stress light to do “fake style ” style, abandon the flower boxing embroidery leg style of work, really put the mind and energy
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