拉丁方设计 这是随机区组进一步的区组方法,前面介绍的随机区组叫做一维区组,拉丁方是二维区组。 当实验单位只在一个特征上不同时,(例如土壤的含水量不同)可依此特征分区组。如果试验的土壤不仅含水量不同,而含沙的比例不同,仅凭含水量分组,则同一个区组的实验单位的性质仍不一致。在自然界里,事物情况往往是复杂的。拉丁方与随机区组之 不同在于前者对不纯、不匀的材料的安排上进了一步。 比方说,一个实验者在自己身上试验四种避蚊涂肤剂的效应,选择上肢、下肢、前胸和脊背四个部位的皮肤,分别在黄昏、前半夜、后半夜和黎明四个不同时间进行试验,结果以蚊叮后皮肤上出现的红点数表示。前文介绍的随机区组方法就不足以适应这个复杂的情况,而拉丁方正好用得上。 现在四种避蚊剂(a,b,c,d)要在16块
Latin Square Design This is a further block method for random blocks. The random block described above is called a one-dimensional block and Latin square is a two-dimensional block. When the experimental units differ only in one characteristic, (for example, different soil moisture content) can be divided according to this characteristic group. If the tested soil is not only different in water content, but different in the proportion of sediment, only by water content group, then the same block experimental unit is still not the same nature. Things are often complex in nature. Latin Square and the random block is the difference between the former on the impure, uneven material arrangements go further. For example, one experimenter tested the effect of four antiseptic skincare agents on himself, and selected the skin of four parts of the upper extremity, lower extremity, front chest and back, at four different times at dusk, before midnight, after midnight and at dawn The test results showed the number of red spots on the skin after the mosquito bites. The random block method described earlier is not enough to accommodate this complex situation, while Latin Square just works. Now four kinds of mosquito agents (a, b, c, d) to 16