The basic worm gear for the Archimedes helical hob (hereinafter referred to as the hob) is widely used. The toothed error directly affects the meshing accuracy of the cut gear, it must be strictly checked. This hob can be divided into the following four general structure: 1) Straight zero front; 2) helix zero rake; 3) Straight positive rake; 4) Helical positive rake. Strictly speaking, the latter two hobs because the basic worm is a curved worm, it does not belong to Abel hobs, but taking into account the general tool factory in our country are using radial shovel tooth technology, so its side shovel surface Helical surface, for convenience, is still included in the Abel Hob together to discuss. There are three types of helical gear Hob angle: 1) the basic worm axial tooth angle a_0; 2) the side tooth helical surface axial tooth angle a_x3) front blade tooth angle a_F.