我院肺功能室于 1999~ 2000年测定下,以探讨慢性阻塞性肺气肿 (简称肺气肿 )患者弥散量的改变。1 资料与方法 病例选择:根据 1992年全国慢性支气管炎及肺气肿诊断标准,选择肺气肿 30例,男 23例,女 7例,年龄 52~ 72岁,平均 62岁,正常人 (临床上无重要心肺疾患者 )30例
Lung function room in our hospital from 1999 to 2000 under the test to explore the dispersion of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema (emphysema) changes. 1 Materials and Methods Case Selection: According to the 1992 national chronic bronchitis and emphysema diagnostic criteria, select 30 cases of emphysema, 23 males and 7 females, aged 52 to 72 years, mean 62 years, normal (clinical No important cardiopulmonary disease) in 30 cases