混凝土是砂、石、水泥、水及各种外加剂按一定比例搅拌、运输、振捣、养护等工序制成的一种建筑材料。其中任何一环施工的好与坏都将直接影响混凝土的质量等级。本文就钢筋混凝土工程施工中出现的质量缺陷及防治措施作如下论述。 1.钢筋混凝土质量缺陷分析
Concrete is sand, stone, cement, water and various additives by a certain percentage of mixing, transportation, vibration, conservation and other processes made of a building material. Any part of the construction of good and bad will have a direct impact on the quality level of concrete. This article discusses the quality defects and prevention measures in the construction of reinforced concrete. 1. Reinforced concrete quality defects analysis