Estimating the depth of the underground fault is one of the key problems in gravity interpretation. We try to calculate it using the Support Vector Classification (SVC) method. Using forward and nonlinear inversion techniques, it is possible to detect the depth of the underground fault by means of related errors. But a deep initial guess is necessary, and the guess is usually not derived from gravity. In this paper, we introduce SVC as a means to estimate the depth of a fault using gravity data. In this study, we assume that one type of underground fault depth can be classified as SVC as a classification algorithm. In order to effectively utilize this SVC algorithm, we select a correct depth feature based on a correct feature selection algorithm. In this study, we set up a set of synthetic gravity profile training sets based on different depth underground faults to train the SVC code used to calculate the actual depth of underground faults. We then tested our trained SVC code with other synthetic gravity profile training sets, and also validated our training SVC code with actual data.