最近,笔者在动能定理的复习教学中,碰到这样一个题目: 在光滑水平面上有一静止的物体,现以水平恒力F1推这一物体,作用一段时间后,换成相反方向的水平恒力F2推这一物体。当恒力F2作用时间与恒力F1作用时间相同时,物体恰好回到原处,此时物体的动能为32J。则在整个过程中,恒力F1做的功等于多少?恒力F2做的功等于多少?
Recently, in the review of kinetic energy theorem, the author encountered such a problem: There is a stationary object on the smooth horizontal surface. Now push this object with horizontal constant force F1, and after a period of time, replace it with the horizontal constant force in the opposite direction. F2 pushes this object. When the constant force F2 action time is the same as the constant force F1 action time, the object just returns to its original position, and the kinetic energy of the object is 32J. In the whole process, what is the work done by the constant force F1? How much does the constant force F2 do?