
来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guxleo3322
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Objective: The aim of this study was to observe the efficacy of air wave pressure therapeutic equipment in prevention of oxaliplatin-inducted neurotoxicity. Methods: Forty-five patients with colorectal cancer were randomly divided into treatment group and control group, treatment group were given the treatment of air wave pressure therapeutic equipment during chemotherapy with oxaliplatin, the control group were given preventive treatment, the oxaliplatin-inducted neurotoxicity was evaluated after each cycle of chemotherapy. Evaluate the chemotherapy efficacy after the third cycle and sixth cycle of chemotherapy. Results: The treatment group have lower incidence of peripheral nerve toxicity than the control group, the difference was statistically significant (χ2 = 13.93; P < 0.01). Chemotherapy effect between the 2 groups was no significant difference (P > 0.05). Conclusion: Treatment with air wave pressure therapeutic equipment can reduce the incidence of peripheral nerve toxicity during oxaliplatin chemotherapy. Objective: The aim of this study was to observe the efficacy of air wave pressure therapeutic equipment in prevention of oxaliplatin-inducted neurotoxicity. Methods: Forty-five patients with colorectal cancer were randomly divided into treatment group and control group, treatment group were given the The treatment of air wave pressure therapeutic equipment during chemotherapy with oxaliplatin, the control group were given controlled treatment, the oxaliplatin-inducted neurotoxicity was evaluated after each cycle of chemotherapy. Evaluate the chemotherapy efficacy after the third cycle and sixth cycle of chemotherapy. Treatment group have lower incidence of peripheral nerve toxicity than the control group, the difference was lyotropic ( significant2 = 13.93; P < 0.01). Chemotherapy effect between the two groups was no significant difference (P > 0.05). Conclusion: Treatment with air Wave pressure therapeutic equipment can reduce the incidence of peripheral nerve toxicity du Ring oxaliplatin chemotherapy.
面对家电制造业利润越来越薄的现状,中国家电从“大制造”到“大品牌”的转型也拉开了帷幕。  当格兰仕第一台微波炉上市的时候,没有人会料到,在随后数年时间里,这个由纺织行业进军家电的企业会在该行业掀起一场血雨腥风的价格战狂潮,那横扫一切的气势和波澜壮阔的局面曾引得无数家电英雄折腰,以至于后来提出的“格兰仕模式”成为企业界的经典案例。但随着微波炉行业进入成熟期,这种大规模生产模式的弊端也日益显现出来,格
《干柴烈火》里的女主角杨千嬅挥舞着拳头朝古天乐喊:“我家四代开医馆的!”杜峰将洗净的咸菜捏成一团用力拧干水后放进锅里,问我:“你家是不是四代开咸菜面馆的?”  我用菜勺将咸菜团一翻炒,细如蚂蚁的咸菜丝便全部散开。“对了一半,我家四代卖咸菜的。”  咸菜散发出诱人的香味。杜峰抽了抽鼻子:“骗人吧?你爸爸不是老师吗?”  “小时候也卖过咸菜的,帮我奶奶。”我说,“知道我奶奶吧?县城里的名人,人称咸菜西
Objective: The aim of our study was to investigate the epidemiological characteristics of esophageal cancer from 2009 to 2011 in Huai’an area, China. Methods: