“铝离子只要微量的100ppb就对鱼有害”,“铝对人的毒性也被认定”等的报导已在报刊上露布。这在欧美、日本颇引起了一场骚动,这种余波也迟早会传到我国来的。仅仅用“是”与“否”来回答这个问题,是缺少说服力的。何况铝制炊(食)具、铝罐(箔)包装食品在我国已广泛进入人民生活,如果不把这个问题弄个水落石出,那么装在铝罐中的啤酒和饮料,势必令人感到畏而远之。 1.报刊上的宣传
“Al-ions are harmful to fish with a trace amount of 100 ppb” and reports that “toxicity of aluminum to humans has also been determined” have been revealed in the press. This has caused quite a stir in Europe and the United States and Japan. This aftermath will sooner or later be transmitted to our country. It is not convincing to answer this question simply by “yes” and “no.” Not to mention aluminum cooking utensils and aluminum cans (foil) packaged foods have been widely used in people’s lives in our country. If we do not get rid of this problem, the beer and beverage in aluminum cans will be daunting Far away. 1. Newspaper publicity