一幅色彩绚丽、形象生动的广告作品,能以其非同凡响的创意增强自身的感染力,使观者自觉接受其引导。一个好的广告可以成就品牌、影响文化,甚至改变人们的思维方式。Uncle Sam Wants You(1917)This recruiting(招募)poster inspired a lot of famous recruitmentposters.1James Montgomery Flagg’s work is now the iconic image of Un-cle Sam.Keep Calm and Carry On(1939)Created by the British government to be distributed in the event ofa Nazi invasion(入侵),it was never actually displayed at the time.It be-came newly popular during the 2008 recession(经济萧条).
A gorgeous, vivid advertising works, with its extraordinary creativity to enhance their appeal, so that viewers consciously accept their guidance. A good ad can make a brand, impact on culture, and even change people’s ways of thinking. Uncle Sam Wants You (1917) This recruiting (poster) poster inspired a lot of famous recruitmentposters.1James Montgomery Flagg’s work is now the iconic image of Un-cle Sam.Keep Calm and Carry On (1939) Created by the British government to be distributed in the event ofa Nazi invasion (入侵), it was never actually displayed at the time. It be-came newly popular during the 2008 recession.