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【正】 十一届三中全会以来,非公有制经济在我国迅速发展,我们党对非公有制经济的认识也不断地得到深化和发展。本文对这种认识略作历史的考察。 我国在社会主义制度确立以后,在一个相当长的时期内受“左”的思想影响,一味强调提高公有化程度,扩大公有制范围,急于向单一的全民所有制经济过渡。这种“左”的思想在“文化大革命”中更是达到登峰造极的地
Increasing plant density and improving N fertilizer rate along with the use of high density-tolerant genotypes would lead to maximizing maize(Zea mays L.) grain
摘要:对各大高职院校的设计专业来说,PhotoShop课程是非常重要的专业基础课程。以设计教学的理论为依据,结合photoshop这门课程的教学实践,探讨如何通过对系列教学方法改革提高学生的学习兴趣,进而提高我们的教学水平,使学生扎实掌握这个软件的使用方法。  关键词:PhotoShop;学习法;职业学校    PhotoShop是功能强大、迄今为止使用范围最广泛的平面图像处理软件。它可以把数字化
语文教师要为学生创造学习语文的氛围,让他们变苦学、畏学、厌学为乐学。基于这样的认识,在语文教学中我注重在心理愉悦因素的培养中去提高学生的学习兴趣,努力创设良好的教学氛围,因而也收到了较明显的成效。  一、注重培养主体意识  课堂上必须把学生摆在主体位置上,在教师的启发引导下,让他们自己去学,主动去学,独立探讨,猎取知识,从中真正体验到亲自参与掌握知识的情感,产生自我肯定的体验,把学习看成是一种既紧
To identify a strategy for earlier sowing and harvesting of spring maize(Zea mays L.) in an alternative maize–maize double cropping system, a 2-year field expe
The phenotypic diversity of 274 Ethiopian durum wheat accessions was analyzed, taking their geographic origins into account. The aim was to assess the extent an
Wheat biomass can be estimated using appropriate spectral vegetation indices.However,the accuracy of estimation should be further improved for on-farm crop mana
Nearly half of the world population suffers from micronutrient malnutrition,particularly Zn deficiency.It is important to understand genetic variation for uptak
Understanding the effects of shading after pollination on kernel filling and physicochemical properties of waxy maize could improve kernel quality.Experiments w
As a typical compatible solute, proline is accumulated in plants under environmental stresses. Proline transporter(Pro T) plays an important role in proline dis