在中国,好像买辆旅行车就能显得自己特别懂车。甚至不用买,只要表现出对旅行车溢于言表的喜爱,也能马上获得懂车的光环。这是中国特色,还是旅行车真的“低调内涵有品位”?卖点1、“旅行版”无疑是它的最大卖点。2、行李箱容积可以扩展到1510L。3、动力出色,还带有四驱系统。被吹捧的情怀,上至奔驰CLS Shooting Brake,下至老掉牙的大屁股桑塔纳旅行,中间还包括十年前叫好不叫座的马6旅行、二手车市场上满含信仰光环的大众R36、定位和价格都是梦想级别的RS6等。细数这些能让情怀落地的车型,目前马路上最常见的还是上一代奔驰C级旅行版(代号S204)。早在2010年,奔驰就把它引入国内,经过5年的市场历练,终于在它产品周期的最后几年取得了相对
In China, it seems like buying a station wagon can make you feel good about cars. Do not even have to buy, as long as the performance of the waggish favorite, but also immediately access to know the aura of cars. This is Chinese characteristics, or the wagon really “low-key content with taste ”? Selling 1, “Travel Edition ” is undoubtedly its biggest selling point. 2, the trunk capacity can be expanded to 1510L. 3, excellent motivation, but also with a four-wheel drive system. Touted Chevrolet CLS Shooting Brake, down to the old big tooth Santana travel, the middle also includes the 10 years ago, a well-known horse 6 travel, second-hand car market full of belief aura of the public R36, positioning and price All are dream level RS6 and so on. Breakdown of these models can make love fall on the road, the most common is the previous generation of Mercedes-Benz C-class Travel Edition (code S204). As early as 2010, Mercedes-Benz put it into the country, after 5 years of market experience, and finally made in the last few years of its product cycle relative