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目的分析2012—2015年无锡市锡山区手足口病聚集性疫情及其病原学特征,为制定预防控制措施提供依据。方法收集2012—2015年锡山区手足口病聚集性疫情资料,进行描述性流行病学及病原学特征分析。结果共报告手足口病聚集性疫情280起,发病926例。疫情发生的季节主要在每年的3—6月,其次为10—12月。报告聚集性疫情数前三位的地区分别为东亭街道(58起)、锡北镇(44起)、安镇街道和东港镇(各36起)。不同性别年均发病率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),男性年均发病率为35.74/10万高于女性的24.21/10万。发病人群以5岁及以下、托幼儿童为主,聚集场所主要发生在托幼机构。共采集病例标本612份,阳性率为51.14%。不同年份聚集性疫情病毒感染类型分布差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),2013年以EV71和其他肠道病毒为主,其他年份以Cox A16病毒为主。结论春末夏初(3—6月)是锡山区手足口病聚集性疫情的防控关键期,应及时报告并处置疫情,有效控制突发公共卫生事件的发生。 Objective To analyze the cluster epidemic situation and its etiological characteristics of hand-foot-mouth disease in Xishan District of Wuxi City from 2012 to 2015 so as to provide basis for the prevention and control measures. Methods The collected epidemic data of HFMD in Xishan District from 2012 to 2015 were collected for descriptive epidemiological and etiological analysis. Results A total of 280 HFMD cases were reported and 926 cases were reported. The season of the outbreak mainly occurs from March to June every year, followed by October to December. The top three reporting areas for aggregated outbreaks are Dongting Street (58), Xibei Town (44), Anzhen Street and Donggang Town (36 each). The average annual incidence of different gender differences were statistically significant (P <0.05), the average annual incidence of males was 35.74 / 100,000 higher than the females of 24.21 / 100,000. The incidence of patients to 5 years of age and below, kindergarten-based, gathering places mainly occurred in nurseries. A total of 612 cases were collected, the positive rate was 51.14%. There were significant differences in the distribution of virus types of infectious diseases in different years (P <0.01). In 2013, EV71 and other enteroviruses were the major pathogens, while in other years, Cox A16 virus was the major factor. Conclusion Early spring and early summer (March-June) are the key period to prevent and control hand-foot-mouth disease in Xishan District. Outbreaks should be timely reported and disposed to effectively control the occurrence of public health emergencies.
踏着时代的脚步 ,伴着岁月的音符 ,《淡水渔业》马不停蹄走过了三十年 !读读下面的“大事记” ,可以概览《淡水渔业》杂志从呱呱落地到而立之年的成长轨迹 :1971年 ,11月 5日
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