目的 通过比较急、慢性白血病患者PET/CT显像病灶表现不同及标准摄取值(SUVmax)差异,探讨PET/CT显像在白血病诊治中的作用.方法 回顾性分析100例白血病患者的PET/CT图像,比较急性白血病组、慢性白血病组患者的骨髓、脾脏浸润比例和SUVmax;并对有无浸润的患者行生存分析比较.结果 (1)急、慢性白血病组发生骨髓浸润的患者分别为40例(40/73)和8例(8/27),骨髓浸润处SUVmax分别为(5.92±4.13)和(3.22±1.25),两者差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);发生脾脏浸润的患者分别为36例(36/73)和14例(14/27),脾脏浸润处SUVmax分别为(9.77±4.87)和(4.54±2.77),两者差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).(2)100例患者中,无骨髓及脾脏浸润的患者35例,中位OS为55.24个月,伴有骨髓或(及)脾脏浸润的患者65例,中位OS为39.59个月,无骨髓及脾脏浸润患者的中位OS高于有骨髓或(及)脾脏浸润患者中位OS,差异有统计学意义(P0.05).仅伴脾脏浸润的患者17例,中位OS为41.02个月,低于无骨髓及脾脏浸润患者的中位OS,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).(3)急、慢性白血病患者分别为73例和27例,中位OS分别为39.03个月和53.13个月,急性白血病患者的中位OS低于慢性白血病患者,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);急性白血病患者中,仅发生骨髓浸润患者13例,仅发生脾脏浸润患者9例,同时浸润27例,其中位OS分别为:44.83,50.96,29.62个月,同时发生骨髓及脾脏浸润患者中位OS低于单独浸润的患者,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 (1)急性白血病患者发生骨髓和脾脏浸润的概率高于慢性白血病患者,且病灶代谢活性较高,预后较差;急性白血病患者更易同时伴有骨髓及脾脏浸润且预后较差;(2)白血病患者伴有脾脏浸润及骨髓浸润时预后较差.“,”Objective To evaluate the use of PET/CT image on patients with acute and chronic leukemia. Methods To compare the ratio and SUVmax of bone marrow and spleen infiltration in 100 patients of acute leukemia group and chronic leukemia group, we analyze the survival of patients in different groups. Results (1) Patients with bone marrow infiltration in acute and chronic leukemia group were 40 cases (40/73) and 8 cases (8/27), the SUVmax were (5.92±4.13) and (3.22±1.25), significant difference was observed (P<0.05); Patients with spleen infiltration in acute and chronic leukemia group were 36 cases (36/73) and 14 cases (14/27), the SUVmax were (9.77±4.87) and (4.54±2.77) (P<0.05). (2)OS of patients without bone marrow and spleen infiltration was 55.24 months, higher than OS (39.59 months) of the bone marrow or (and) spleen infiltration (P<0.05). (3)OS of acute leukemia (73/100) was 39.03 months, less than chronic leukemia (27/100) 53.13 months (P<0.05). OS of acute leukemia with bone marrow and spleen infiltration was 29.62 months, less than bone marrow infiltration or spleen infiltration: 50.96 and 44.83 months (P<0.05). Conclusion (1)Incidence and SUVmax of bone marrow and spleen infiltration in acute leukemia is higher than chronic leukemia; Prognosis of chronic leukemia is better than acute leukemia. (2)Prognosis of leukemia patients with spleen and bone marrow infiltration was poor.