曾经有位日本记者回忆称,在日本提起苏富比和佳士得两家拍卖行,人们会津津乐道--它们让日本人在短短几天之内“吞下数百亿美元的艺术炸弹,将当时的泡沫经济推向了美丽的爆点”。1987年到1990间,日本人一共从西方进口了138亿美元的艺术品,一举占领了30%的世界艺术品市场。时隔20余年,亚洲的艺术市场逐渐火爆起来,而此次引发热潮的主动力不再是处于经济发展“中年期”的日本,而是处于成长期的中国的。近年来,日本艺术界与中国艺术市场的关系愈加紧密,从去年村上隆到中国内陆几大美院宣讲,到中国拍卖热影响日本拍卖市场,再到日本画廊主以中国为平台推介日本的新锐艺术家等,中日在艺术市场上的互动渐渐渗透入日本的艺术界,亚洲甚至被日本媒体形容为全球艺术的“震源地”。随之而来的就是日媒的追问:近十年来艺术的市场何时开始火爆起来的?最近的市场倾向是什么?中国市场的态势如可?中国市场会成为救世主?《美术手帖》2012年1月刊以“全球艺术市场”为题,直面“Art Tactic”主编Anders Petteson,在一问一答中显示日媒的对艺术市场的嗅触与冷静。
There was once a Japanese reporter who recalled that in Japan, two auction houses, Sotheby ’s and Christie’ s, were going to relish - they allow the Japanese to swallow tens of billions of dollars in art bombs in just a few days. , Will be the bubble economy to the beautiful burst point “. From 1987 to 1990, the Japanese imported a total of 13.8 billion U.S. dollars of artwork from the West, occupying 30% of the world art market. After more than 20 years, the art market in Asia is getting hotter. The driving force of this upsurge is no longer in Japan, where economic development is ”middle age“, but growing up in China. In recent years, the Japanese art community has become more closely linked with the Chinese art market. From last year, Takashi Murakami to mainland China several prestigious Academy of Art preaching, to the Chinese auction heat Japanese auction market, to Japanese gallery owners to promote China as a platform for Japan Cutting-edge artists and so on. The interaction between China and Japan in the art market has gradually infiltrated the Japanese art world. Asia has even been described by the Japanese media as the ”source“ of global art. Followed by the Japanese media’s questioning: the art market over the past ten years when the hot up? What is the recent market trend? The Chinese market situation as may be the Chinese market will become the savior? In January, Anders Petteson, editor-in-chief of Art Tactic, addressed the issue of ”the global art market" and showed in one question and one answer that Japanese media are smelling and calm toward the art market.