12月啦!雪花来啦!圣诞节来啦1 2011年也很快就要到啦!你会不会感到一点兴奋呢?彤彤姐姐就非常兴奋呢!期盼美丽的雪花、热闹的圣诞节,还有充满希望的201 1年。你呢?你的感觉是怎么样的呢?告诉彤彤姐姐吧!——本栏目主持人:彤彤姐姐
December Come! Snow Come! Christmas Comes 1 2011 is coming soon! You will not feel a little excited? Tong Tong sister is very excited! Look forward to the beautiful snowflakes, bustling Christmas There are also promising 201 1 years. How do you feel? Tell Tong Tong sister it! - This section host: Tong Tong sister