1965年9月,在波兰首都华沙召开了第三十二届国际铸造学会。本届会议共有27个国家派代表参加,其中23个会员国,另有4个非会员国(中华人民共和国、罗马尼亚、德意志民主共和国和加拿大)应波兰方面的邀请派代表出席了会议。我国参加会议的代表共5人。会议自9月13日起,到17日止。 5天会议期间,举行了学术报告和简短技术报告,并安排了两次工厂参观。会后,19~25日,由大会和波兰旅行社组织与会代表到外地参观工厂和游览。现简要报导如下:
In September 1965, the 32nd International Foundry Society was held in Warsaw, capital of Poland. A total of 27 countries attended this session, 23 of them and 4 non-member countries (People’s Republic of China, Romania, the German Democratic Republic and Canada) were represented at the invitation of the Polish side. There are 5 representatives from China participating in the conference. The meeting starts on September 13 and ends on the 17th. During the 5 days meeting, academic reports and brief technical reports were held and two factory visits were arranged. After the meeting, 19 to 25, by the General Assembly and the Polish travel agents organized representatives to the field visited the factory and tour. Now briefly reported as follows: