1 引 言恶性组织细胞病(恶组),1939年由Scott及Robbs- 1消化内科 2病理科mith以组织细胞性髓性网状细胞病首先报道,1966年Rap-port进一步加以定义为恶性组织细胞病,并使用至今。长期以来,恶组作为一个独立疾病,一直是根据临?
1 Introduction Malignant histiocytosis (evil group), 1939 Digested by Scott and Robbs-1 Internal Medicine 2 Pathology mith to organize cellular myeloid reticulopathy First report, Rap-port was further defined as malignant tissue cells in 1966 Ill, and use it so far. For a long time, the evil group, as an independent disease, has always been on the verge of adversity.