我不仅闻了共产主义世界大同的道,而且还看到这个道越来越多的为人民所拥护,千千万万的人正为它洒热血,抛头颅,不管遭到多么大的牺牲,多少次的失败,总有一天会成功的。秋白纵然一死,又何足惜哉! ——瞿秋白
Not only did I smell the same line of communism in the world, but I also saw this road being more and more espoused by the people. Millions of people are sprinkling blood and skimming it, no matter how much sacrificed, How many times failed, one day will be successful. Autumn even if the death, but also what care piety! - Qu Qiubai