高钠性脱水通常指血清钠水平高于150mEq/L(150mmol/L)的脱水。在1993年到1994年之间的冬季,作者发现几例患有轮状病毒腹泻的病人发展成了严重的高血钠症。现将5例由轮状病毒腹泻发展成高钠性脱水的病例报道如下。 病例1 1例9个月的女婴因患呼吸道
High sodium dehydration generally refers to dehydration with a serum sodium level above 150 mEq / L (150 mmol / L). In the winter of 1993 to 1994, the authors found that several patients with rotavirus diarrhea developed severe hypernatremia. Now 5 cases of rotavirus diarrhea developed into high sodium dehydration cases are reported below. Case 1 1 9-month-old baby girl suffered from respiratory tract