人物简介:沈文涛,扬州市邗江区公道中学校长、党总支书记,教育硕士,中学高级教师,扬州市名师工作总室工作教师,被评为江苏省优秀青少年科技教育校长、扬州市语文学科带头人、扬州市优秀教育工作者、扬州市高中教学功臣、邗江区有突出贡献的中青年专家。主持或参加多个省级、国家级教育规划课题。多次开设市级公开课、展示课,并在扬州市校长赛课、评课竞赛中获一等奖。近年在省级刊物上发表论文30 多篇 ,10 篇发表于全国中文核心期刊或被人大资料中心全文复印。主编或参编多部教学指导用书。
Character brief introduction: Shen Wentao, Yangzhou Hanjiangdaodao middle school principals, Party branch secretary, master of education, senior high school teacher, Yangzhou city teacher division work teacher, was named Jiangsu Province outstanding young science and technology education principals, Yangzhou city Chinese language discipline take the lead People, outstanding educators in Yangzhou City, Yangzhou City, high school teaching hero, Hanjiang area outstanding contributions of young experts. Host or participate in a number of provincial and national education planning issues. Many municipal open class, display class, and Yangzhou City principals race classes, class competitions won the first prize. In recent years, he has published over 30 papers in provincial journals and 10 papers published in the national Chinese core journals or copied by the NPC’s Information Center. Edited or edited a number of instructional books.