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天星科技大厦位于8度地震区,主楼高179.3m,超过了B级高度钢筋混凝土高层建筑的最大适用高度,采用钢筋混凝土框架-核心筒结构,设置了黏滞消能器。对结构进行的消能减震计算分析表明,消能减震结构比常规结构在地震作用下的底层剪力减小了约25%,最大层间位移角减小了约13%。采用动力时程分析方法对附加阻尼比进行了验证,证明附加阻尼比取用3%是合理而安全的。对结构进行了抗震性能化设计,采取了有针对性的加强措施。大震动力弹塑性分析表明,整体结构损伤较轻,具有充分的消能和抗震能力,有一定的安全富裕度。个别连梁塑性铰发展较深,大多数框架柱未出现塑性铰,剪力墙产生了受拉裂缝,但是钢筋未屈服,与消能器相连的构件损伤轻微,可保证消能器正常工作,最后对与消能器连接的设计提出了建议。 Tianxing Science and Technology Building is located in 8 degree earthquake area, the main building is 179.3m high, which exceeds the maximum applicable height of B-class high-rise reinforced concrete high-rise buildings. The reinforced concrete frame-core structure is adopted and viscous energy dissipater is installed. The energy dissipation of the structure shows that the energy dissipation structure has a reduction of about 25% and the maximum displacement angle decreases by 13% compared with the conventional structure. The additional damping ratio was verified by dynamical time history method, which proved that it is reasonable and safe to take the additional damping ratio of 3%. The structure of the seismic performance of the design, has taken targeted enhancements. Elasto-plastic analysis of the earthquake shows that the overall structure is less damaged, has sufficient energy dissipation and anti-seismic capacity, and has certain safety margin. The individual hinges plastic hinge developed deeper, most of the frame column does not appear plastic hinge, shear wall tensile cracks have been produced, but the steel does not yield, and the energy dissipator connected components to minor damage, to ensure the normal operation of the energy dissipater, Finally, the design of the connection with the energy dissipator is proposed.
1980年6月科学出版社出版的王季卿等编著的《实用会场扩声》一书(约25万字),很有一些特色,值得向有关读者推荐. 全书共九章.第一章简单介绍声学的基础知识,之后立即就进入本
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