After the Second World War, one of the most important manifestations of the revolutionary situation was the upsurge of the national liberation movement of the colonial and semi-colonial peoples in many parts of the world. In the Far East, with the revolutionary People’s China as the center, this great movement is rapidly destroying the colonial systems of Britain, France, the Netherlands and the United States in India, Pakistan, Indochina, North Korea, Malaya, Indonesia and the Philippines. In the Middle and Near East, colonial and semi-colonial peoples from Afghanistan to Morocco, Egypt, Iran, Libya, and others are engaged in imperialist exploits against them. Similarly, the blacks in Central and South Africa are also increasingly trying to overthrow the domination of the white-type imperialists. The colonial and semi-colonial peoples near the United States and Latin America are also in turmoil, indicating that they are also aware of and respond to the colonial national revolutionary movement of this world scale. In Latin America, the conditions for a revolutionary anti-imperialist unrest are rapidly maturing. Dulles feared that Latin America will soon embark on the path to Asia, which is basically good. From the Grand River south until it reached