为了充分地合理利用土地,不与棉粮争地,应提倡在矮山岗和缓坡地栽培果树.但利用坡地首先需要了解坡地果树根系的分布特性,为合理经营坡地果园提供依据.作者与有关同志从1962—1964年对坡地栽培的苹果、梨、桃、柑桔根系进行了研究,目的在于探索坡地条件下根系的生长特性. 一、材料与方法试验于1962—1964年在安徽省六安地区小华山园艺场和苏家埠园艺场、徽州地区歙县园艺场、合肥市安徽农学院教学果园坡地等处进行.供试果树品种有苹果(品种国光,山定子砧),梨(品种金花早,棠梨砧,酥梨和太白梨,杜梨砧),桃(品种大白桃和白花,毛桃砧) 和温州蜜柑(枸桔砧).试验树采用的农业措施相同,
In order to fully utilize the land rationally and not compete with cotton, we should advocate the cultivation of fruit trees in short hills and gentle slopes.But the use of slopes first need to understand the distribution characteristics of the root system of slope fruit trees, and provide the basis for the rational management of slope orchard. Comrade from 1962 to 1964 cultivated on the slopes of apple, pear, peach, citrus roots were studied in order to explore the growth characteristics of the slope under the conditions of the root system.Materials and Methods Test in 1962-1964 in Anhui Province, Lu’an Xiaogushan horticultural field and Sujiabu horticultural field in Huizhou area, Huxian horticultural field in Huizhou, Hefei Anhui Agricultural College teaching orchard slope and other places for the test varieties of apple varieties (Guoguang, mountain statutory anvil), pear (variety of gold Early flowering, Tongli anvil, Pear pear and Taibai pear, Pear anvil), peach (variety big white peach and white flower, peach anvil), and Mandarin orange (citrus root anvil). The experimental trees used the same agricultural measures,