In the present study, the total DNA extracted from paddy soils in late rice growth stage was amplified by PCR using 16SrDNA specific primers from cyanobacteria and diatoms. The PCR products were analyzed by DGGE. The results showed that 14 DGGE bands were cloned and sequenced. There are 10 species of cyanobacteria in NCBI gene late rice growing stage, including 4 Leptolyngbya, 1 Chamaesiphon, 1 Nostoc, 1 Oscillatoria, 2 Synechococcus and 1 Chroococcidiopsis. The cyanobacteria populations are also different in soils of the same layer, but there are some species of cyanobacteria unique to each sampling site. The same paddy soil samples were isolated and cultured by conventional methods. According to the identification of cyanobacteria, cyanobacteria such as Lyngbya, Oscillatori-a, Chroococcidiopsis and Nostoc were observed, but they could not be accurately classified under the microscope. The results showed that the DGGE method could identify the cyanobacteria more accurately than the conventional culture method.