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在抢救有机磷农药中毒时,阿托品的应用一定要遵循“观察—分析—调整”的方针,即“在观察中使用,在使用中观察”,以及“早期、足量、反复”的给药原则,既要注意阿托品用量不足,又要防止过量中毒。大剂量阿托品是抢救重度有机磷中毒患者成功的关键。目前一般采用的阿托品量首剂:轻型1—3mg,中型4—8mg,重型9—12mg。试探性剂量:以中度中毒病人为例,按上述用量应为阿托品4—8mg,但可先用5mg一次静脉注射、然后观察3—5分钟,如瞳孔、颜面、心率躁动等情况无变化,可再静脉注射10mg,并在继续观察了3—5分钟,如上述指标变化不大,则继续注射15mg,再观察后,若出现瞳孔散大,心率加速,颜面潮红,轻度躁动等表 In the rescue of organophosphorus pesticide poisoning, the application of atropine must follow the “observation - analysis - adjustment” approach, namely “observed in use, observed in use”, and “early, adequate, repeated” principle of administration , It is necessary to pay attention to the lack of consumption of atropine, but also to prevent excessive poisoning. High-dose atropine is the key to the success of patients with severe organophosphate poisoning. Atropine currently used in the first dose: light 1-3mg, medium 4-8mg, heavy 9-12mg. Tentative dose: moderate poisoning patients, for example, according to the above dosage should be atropine 4-8mg, but can be a 5mg intravenous injection, and then observed for 3-5 minutes, such as the pupil, face, heart rate agitation and so on did not change, Can be intravenous injection of 10mg, and continue to observe the 3-5 minutes, such as the above indicators did not change much, then continue to inject 15mg, and then observed, if there mydriasis, accelerated heart rate, facial flushing, mild agitation and other
患者 男,55岁,因皮肤发黑16年,恶心呕吐5天,神志不清1小时入院。患者于16年前无明显诱因出现纳差,乏力及全身皮肤色素沉着伴消瘦,经检查后诊断为阿狄森氏病,口服强地松替代
A series of CaO samples were prepared by calcination of commercially available and synthesis of calcium salt precursors such as calcium acetate,carbonate,hydrox
1 Representation of complexes and selected bond distances and bond angles Figure S1 Structure of complex 4. Hydrogen atoms were omitted for clarity, ellipsoids