Population dynamics of Trichoderma species in the rhizosphere of tobac co and four species form Ch

来源 :浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lpc123456
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To study the effect of tobacco growth on Trichoderma population, we in vestigated the occurrence of Trichoderma species in the rhizosphere of tob acco plant during the period from transplanting (June) to harvesting (October) and measured relative environmental factors. Eleven species of Trichoderma we re isolated, among which T.harzianum, T.viride, T.hamatum, T.atroviride, T.lo ngibrachiatum, T.virens, T.koningii were identified, other four species Ty1, Ty2, Ty3, Ty4 are new species. Of the species which occurred at high frequencies , T.harzianum and T.hamatum were most abundant in the July and T. viride in the August. The occurrence of the above three abundant species corr elates significantly with the developmental phase of tobacco and correlates appa rently with the soil moisture content, but not with the temperature. For the oth er eight species, no obvious correlation was found between the above factors and them. Based on nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of the rDNA cluster (ITS1and 2) and partial sequences of translation elongation f ac tor 1-alpha (tef1a), phylogenetic position of four new species was determined. Ty2 is additions to Trichoderma section and Ty3.Ty9.Ty10 are additions to sec tion Pachybasium. To study the effect of tobacco growth on Trichoderma population, we in vestigated the occurrence of Trichoderma species in the rhizosphere of tob acco plant during the period from transplanting (June) to harvesting (October) and measured relative environmental factors. Eleven species of Trichoderma we re isolated, among which T. harzianum, T. viride, T. hamatum, T. atroviride, T. lo ngibrachiatum, T. virens, T. koningii were identified, other four species Ty1, Ty2, Ty3, Ty4 are new species. Of the species which occurred at high frequencies, T.harzianum and T.hamatum were most abundant in the July and T. viride in the August. The occurrence of the above three abundant species corr elates significantly with the developmental phase of tobacco and correlates appa rently with the soil moisture content, but not with the temperature. For the oth er eight species, no obvious correlation found between the above factors and them. Based on nucleotide sequences of the internal tr (ITS1and2) and partial sequences of translation elongation fac tor 1-alpha (tef1a), phylogenetic position of four new species was determined. Ty2 is additions to Trichoderma section and Ty3.Ty9. Ty10 are additions to sec tion Pachybasium.
目的:通过对慢性肾衰竭血液透析患者进行中医辨证分型及微炎症因子的实验室检测,探讨慢性肾衰竭血液透析患者中医辨证分型与微炎症因子表达水平之间的联系。  方法:将2012
介绍光纤应变传感器中光纤端面反射镜的制作方法,镀膜光纤的连接技术和构成不对称光纤法布里-珀罗干涉腔的方法。应用低反射率不对称光纤法布里- 珀罗干涉腔与光纤连接构成的光纤应变传感器,以提高分辨率;重点导出此干涉腔反射光与应变的数学模型,论述其工作原理和测量方法,通过实验证明文中所述应变传感原理和测量方法是正确的,其分辨率优于0-0068με。