2016年“中国国际厨房博览会”于10月21-23在中国上海国家会展中心隆重开幕,作为厨房系统领域的领导者瑞士弗兰卡(FRANKE)集团携旗下产品亮丽参展,为中国消费者带来最新Frames by Franke系列产品。期间,我们非常荣幸的对弗兰卡(中国)厨房系统有限公司高级销售副总裁孙锋利先生及弗兰卡亚太区高级市场副总裁Stephan Mueller先生进行了专访。A:请简要介绍弗兰卡集团(FRANKE GROUP)是家怎样的企业?作为
2016 China International Kitchen Exposition was held in Shanghai China National Convention and Exhibition Center on October 21-23 as a leader in the field of kitchen systems FRANKE Group brought its products to the exhibition for the Chinese consumers Bring the latest Frames by Franke series products. During this visit, we are honored to have an exclusive interview with Mr. Sun Fengli, Senior Vice President of Sales of FANUC (China) Kitchen Systems Co., Ltd. and Mr. Stephan Mueller, Senior Vice President of Marketing, FANCA Asia Pacific. A: Please brief us on what kind of enterprise FRANKE GROUP is