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  Since the first World Expo was held in London in 1851, the event has experienced a proud history of 158 years. The World Expo in the initial phase focused on commodity displays and exchanges while the present expos pay more attention to exploring new life concepts. They also emphasize cultural exchanges and respond to major issues affecting mankind and the process of its development. The Expos have long been a key platform for enhancing exchange and cooperation around the world. The World Expo has become an important stage for the people of all countries to sum up their historical experiences, exchange wisdom and anticipate future development. Described as the Olympic Games of the economic, cultural, scientific and technological fields, the World Expo has a deep impact on the development of the host country.
  Record of Visitors
  World Expo 2010 Shanghai is scheduled to run for 184 days, opening on May 1st and closing on Oct 31st. During that period it will attract more than 200 countries and international organizations and 70 million visitors from home and abroad. If both the participant and visitor numbers reach their goal, they will set a World Expo record.
  City-Oriented Theme
  The theme of the 2010 Expo is “Better City, Better Life.” It will be the first Expo centered around the city. Participating countries will display their achievements in urban civilisation and explore the 1)coordination between the environment and development, and the harmonious co-existence between humans and nature in the cities of the future.
  Two Highlights
  World Expo 2010 Shanghai will have two innovation highlights. Among them the Urban Best Practices area will focus on showcasing valuable innovations from world cities for improving the quality of peoples’ lives. The area will showcase four themes; livable cities, sustainable urbanization, protection and utilization of historical heritages and technological innovation in the built environment. Another innovation highlight of World Expo 2010 Shanghai is “Expo Shanghai Online.” By using technology, such as the Internet and virtual reality, the Expo is available to internet users from all over the world, anytime, anywhere.
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On any given Sunday, right across America, little girls 1)primp and 2)preen. Pose and 3)pout. At beauty 4)pageants like this one, thousands of tiny princesses are paraded by their doting mums and dads
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看罢中国小孩子的“凄惨生活”,你先别忙着叹气,这个世界上人的差别其实并不大。那年在尼泊尔旅游,小编不经意间看到“补课”的小广告,再稍留意,才发现,这种小广告到处都是。敢情这补课也讲究“接轨”啊。其实,不仅仅是补课,就连“不要输在起跑线上”也不是中国特色呢。    这段印度人讲的英语,一开始听起来会很费力。要注意几点:一是印式英语总体上来说发音与英式英语更近,特别是元音;二是印式英语的辅音,尤其是词