Extracting irrigated land based on MODIS data

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Irrigated land is one of the most important parts in land cover classification system,but until now it has seldom been reported about extracting it from remote sensing data and monitoring its dynamic change.The existing researches are focused on the land use-cover change(LUCC) and the irrigated area mapping,so the study on extracting irrigated land is much more im-portant.On the basis of close relationship between water deficit index(WDI) and soil water content,this paper firstly combines two neighbor NDVI and the surface-air temperature(Ts-Ta) and conforms one Vegetation Index Temperature(VIT).It makes the timely incomparable WDI comparable and then computes the change of WDI during the monitored period.Secondly it infers the change of soil water.Thirdly it removes the rainfall’s influence under some assumption and extracts the irrigated land of the survey area.Results show that comparing with census data all the deviation is below 7% in the survey area except Shanxi prov-ince,which means that the extracted results are comparable with census data.Extracted irrigated land mainly distributes around rivers,lakes,and reservoirs or on the irrigated regions and oasises.The results are consistent with the centralized region which has abundant irrigated land known before.The results are checked elementarily using TM images.All the precisions are above 70% except in Shanxi province.The precision in Xinjiang municipality is the highest. Irrigated land is one of the most important parts in land cover classification system, but until now it has seldom been reported about extracting it from remote sensing data and monitoring its dynamic change. The existing researches are focused on the land use-cover change (LUCC ) and the irrigated area mapping, so the study on extracting irrigated land is much more im-portant. On the basis of close relationship between water deficit index (WDI) and soil water content, this paper division combines two neighbor NDVI and the surface- air temperature (Ts-Ta) and conforms one Vegetation Index Temperature (VIT). It makes the timely incomparable WDI comparable and then computes the change of WDI during the monitoring period. Secondarily it infers the change of soil water. Simplified it removes the rainfall’s influence under some assumption and extracts the irrigated land of the survey area. Results show that comparing with census data all the deviation is below 7% in the survey area except Shanxi prov-ince, which m eans that the extracted results are comparable with census data. Extracted irrigated land mainly distributes around rivers, lakes, and reservoirs or on the irrigated regions and oasises. The results are consistent with the centralized region which have abundant irrigated land known before.The results are checked elementarily using TM images. All the precisions are above 70% except in Shanxi province. The precision in Xinjiang municipality is the highest.
摘要教学反思是教学环节的重要组成部分,能否进行教学反思以及教学反思的成功与否关系到一个教师的成长与发展,是完善教师整个教学过程的基石,更是促进教师再学习再发展的动力,教师养成反思习惯是提高和走向成功的基础。  关键词 反思 情感交流 感悟  中图分类号:G633.33 文献标识码:A    Intermediate Chinese Reading Teaching Reflection  Guli
摘 要:本文提出要强化逻辑思维,在课前预习中提出问题;促进新知与旧知交融,在问题情境中提出问题;依托新知的形成发展,在探究过程中提出问题;整合运用原有信息,在解决问题中提出问题,从而促进学生认知意识的不断发展。  关键词:小学数学 问题意识 认知  爱因斯坦说过:“提出一个问题比解决一个问题更重要。”解决一个问题是实践能力的一种技术,是对前人经验的遵循与恪守,而提出问题则是从全新的认知思维去看待旧
最近,长阳土家族自治县人大代表田代明,在参加人大代表活动中,高度赞扬自治县广播电视局今年又为老百姓为了一桩实事:让山里群众看到了清晰的电视节目。 Recently, Tian Dai