在茫茫巍峨的武陵山中,在神奇而美丽的鄂西南边陲,有一所年轻的院校——湖北民族学院。自1998年正式更名以来,湖北民院始终围绕在经济文化比较落后的民族地区、面对薄弱的办学基础、如何办好学院为民族地区经济社会发展服务的办学宗旨这一根本问题,坚持“立足湖北民族地区,面向全省,辐射周边,服务基层”的办学方向,艰苦创业,开拓奋进,谱写着一首首湖北民族高等教育事业发展的新篇章,成为武陵山中的一颗璀璨的明珠。 励精图治求发展,艰苦创业铸辉煌。目前,湖北民院
In the vast towering Wuling Mountain, in the magical and beautiful southwestern border of Hubei Province, there is a young institution - Hubei Institute for Nationalities. Since it was officially renamed in 1998, the Hubei Provincial People’s Court has always been focusing on the fundamental problem of running a school for serving the economic and social development in ethnic areas in the minority areas where economic and cultural backgrounds are relatively backward. In the face of a weak foundation of running a school, Hubei ethnic areas, facing the province, surrounding areas, the grassroots service, "the direction of education, arduous pioneering, pioneering and enterprising, writing a first chapter in the development of higher education in Hubei Province, a new chapter, a bright pearl in Wuling Mountain. Make every effort to promote the development of arduous pioneering brilliant. At present, Hubei Civil Hospital