Habermas’s critique of Adorno has had far-reaching implications. However, this article argues that Adorno does not completely negate rationality as Habermas believes. On the contrary, Adorno tries to aesthetics to save the rationality that has been replaced by the rationality of tools. Therefore, Adorno’s aesthetics emphasizes the dialectical relationship between the rationality of tools and aesthetic rationality. This gives art a cognitive function. In Adorno, the cognitive character of art is reflected in the truth of the artwork. However, the content of this truth is not purely objective knowledge, but refers to the understanding of the essence of the social reality of the artwork, which is embodied in the form of the artwork. Of course, Adorno’s artistic works mainly refer to the self-discipline works of modernism, in which the imitation shows the freedom of subject-object exchange. Therefore, Adorno believes that modern self-discipline art is a model of human liberation practice.