
来源 :中学地理教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jswlgx
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为推动我省的中学教学改革,切实贯彻课堂教学主渠道中德育首位的教育思想,全面提高我省中学地理教育质量。我省于1992年10月14至17日在玉溪市举办了云南省年轻教师(40岁以下)地理学科初中课堂教学大奖赛(同时举行的还有初中数学、物理和历史学科的初中课堂教学大奖赛)。这次参赛的要求是: 1.课堂教学中要结合教学内容有机地进行思想教育,突出以“两史一情”教育为主的爱国主义教育和辩证唯物主义教育。 2.在课堂教学结构的设计、教学方法、教学手段的应用上应有改革的新意。 3.按大纲、教材结合学生实际进行教学,突出学生为主体,教师为主导的教学思想。 4.教学基本功扎实,教学语言精炼,讲普通话,板书规范,教学思路清晰,教学效果好。参赛教师是由各地州市层层选拔推荐到省里参赛,共27人。教学课题是根据提供现场教学的学校的教学进度而定,只提前一天通知执教教师,由省学科教学研究会组织的学科评课组,按事先商定出来的学科评课标准认真评选,最后评出一等奖1名;二等奖10名;三等奖16 In order to promote the reform of middle school teaching in our province, we must effectively implement the educational ideology of moral education in the main channel of classroom teaching and improve the quality of secondary school geography education in our province. The province hosted the Yunnan Province Junior Teachers (under 40 years old) Geography Junior High School Classroom Grand Prix in Yuxi City from October 14th to 17th, 1992 (also held junior high school class teaching award for junior high school mathematics, physics and history). Race). The requirements for this competition are: 1. In classroom teaching, we must organically conduct ideological education in conjunction with the teaching content, and highlight the education of patriotism and dialectical materialism based on “two history and one situation ” education. 2. There should be new ideas for reform in the design of classroom teaching structure, teaching methods, and teaching methods. 3. According to the outline of the teaching materials combined with the actual situation of teaching students, highlighting the students as the mainstay, teacher-led teaching ideas. 4. The basic teaching skills are solid, the language of instruction is refined, the standard of spoken Chinese is spoken, the rules of writing are clear, teaching ideas are clear, and teaching results are good. The participating teachers are selected from all levels of the city and selected for the competition in the province, a total of 27 people. The teaching topic is based on the teaching progress of the school providing on-site teaching. It only informs the coaches one day in advance, and the subject evaluation team organized by the Provincial Discipline Teaching Research Association earnestly selects according to the discipline evaluation criteria agreed in advance, and finally determines. 1 first prize; 10 second prizes; third prize 16
01陪父母去饭店开斋,吃完打包往外走。经过一包间开着门,见满桌大鱼大肉热气腾腾,不禁好奇问服务员:“客人没来你们怎么就上菜?”服务员说:“人家吃完都走了。”老父愤愤然:“这样的人将来都该饿死!”我说:“要不咱们进去打包儿?”    02八十多岁的俩老太太相约来看望我八十多岁的老妈,见面挺亲热说日子久了不见挺想的。说了几句一个睡着了,另两个受传染也相继睡了。醒了再说,说了再睡,老太太自觉奇怪,说咋儿
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德国一家公司研制出一种新型抗丙肝药物,能抑制病毒在人体内的复制。这种名为BILN2061的新药能够抑制丙肝病毒复制所必需的一种酶。在试验中,8名丙肝患者服用 A German com
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