芦笋(见第2 4页图1),别名石刁柏、龙须菜等,为百合科天门冬属,是多年生宿根性草本植物,以嫩茎供食用。由于品种的不同及栽培的差异,其嫩茎的颜色有绿色、紫色、白色3种,分别可称为绿芦笋、紫芦笋和白芦笋。芦笋质地细腻、风味鲜美、柔软可口,嫩茎中的维生素A、维生素B和维生素C的含量高,能增进食欲,帮助消化,还含有硒、锰、钼等多种微量元素。芦笋除鲜食外,还可制成各种加工产品,不仅可延长贮藏期,还可以提高产
Asparagus (see page 2, Figure 1), alias Asparagus, asparagus, etc., is a lily Branch asparagus genus, is a perennial herbaceous plants, to tender for food. Due to the different varieties and cultivation differences, the tender stems are green, purple and white, which are respectively called green asparagus, purple asparagus and white asparagus. Asparagus delicate texture, delicious flavor, soft and tasty, young stems in the vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C content, can increase appetite and help digestion, but also contains selenium, manganese, molybdenum and other trace elements. In addition to fresh asparagus, but also can be made into a variety of processed products, not only to extend the shelf life, but also increase production