“应该说,只要它能进入环月轨道,获得科学探测数据,就可以说是成功了。但实际上,‘嫦娥一号’的表现和取得的科学与技术成果,远远超过这一要求。” 我国首颗人造绕月探测卫星“嫦娥一号”在累计飞行近494天后,于北京时间3月1日16点13分10秒成功落在月球的丰富海区域,为中国探月一期工程画上了一个圆满的句号。据北京航天飞行控制中心主任、绕月探测工程测控系统指挥部指挥长朱民才介
It should be said that as long as it can enter lunar orbit and obtain scientific exploration data, it can be said to be a success, but in fact, the performance of Chang’e-1 and the scientific and technological achievements it has obtained far exceed this requirement . “China’s first man-made moon orbit satellite” Chang’e One "accumulated nearly 494 days after flying in the Beijing time at 16:13:10 on March 1 successfully landed in the moon’s rich sea area for the China Exploration On the first phase of the project painted a complete stop. According to Beijing Space Flight Control Center Director, Moon Surveillance Engineering Command and Control Command Zhu Mincai