Research on history of Chinese seismology

来源 :Earthquake Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Vanix
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The history of Chinese seismology can be traced back to four thousand years before and divided into four stages,i.e.,primitive knowledge,worship of nature,perceptual knowledge and scientific research.The second stage ran in the whole Qin-Han dynasties,and the fourth stage began from Emperor Kangxi in Qing Dynasty and continued to the present.So far China has made four great contributions to seismological development of the world,i.e.,the invention of Heng Zhang’s seismoscope,great amount of historical records of earthquakes of four thousand years,most abundant anomaly data before earthquakes,and successful practice of earthquake prediction in Haicheng.However,the seismological research in China at present is still on the junior and developing stage.Now we have been carrying on some recessively historical load in our mind such as the subconsciousness of absolute obedience,habit of phenomenological study as well as the methods of philosophical analysis without sincerity.For constructing a high-level Chinese culture in seismological research,we need to pay attention to combining the phenomenological research with experiment,observation and theory study.It is also suggested to take the appropriated measures matched with the present research level in seismology,as well as to promote coexisting and merging of multi-cultures. The history of Chinese seismology can be traced back to four thousand years before and divided into four stages, ie, primitive knowledge, worship of nature, perceptual knowledge and scientific research. Second stage ran in the whole Qin-Han dynasties, and the fourth stage began from Emperor Kangxi in Qing Dynasty and continued to the present.So far China has made four great contributions to seismological development of the world, ie, the invention of Heng Zhang’s seismoscope, great amount of historical records of earthquakes of four thousand years, most abundant anomaly data before earthquakes, and successful practice of earthquake prediction in Haicheng. However, the seismological research in China at present is still on the junior and developing stage. Now we have been carrying on some recessively historical load in our mind such as the subconsciousness of absolute obedience, habit of phenomenological study as well as the methods of philosophical analysis without sincerity.For constructing a high-level Chinese culture in seismological research, we need to pay attention to combining the phenomenological research with experiment, observation and theory study. It is also suggested to take the appropriated measures matched with the present research level in seismology, as well as to promote coexisting and merging of multi-cultures.
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