《张治中回忆录》张治中先生是中国共产党的亲密朋友,由于他长期置身于国民党最高决策之列,故此自述中留下了许多重要史料。此书对研究中国近现代史,特别是国共两党关系问题,具有重要的价值。书中刊有张先生在各个历史时期的珍贵照片数十幅。定价:13.85元。 《傅作义将军》傅作义将军在抗日战争中战功卓著、在解放战争的重要关头,毅然率部举行了意义深远的北平和平起义,立了大功。解放后,他献身于新中国的水利事业,并为台湾回归祖国的统一大业做了卓有成效的工作。本书荟萃了有关傅作义将军的回忆文章三十余篇,真实、生动地叙达了他曲折的一生。定价:7.85元。
Memorabilia of Zhang Zhizhong Mr. Zhang Zhizhong is a close friend of the Chinese Communist Party. Because of his long-term presence in the highest decision-making of the Kuomintang, many important historical materials have been left in the readme. This book is of great value to the study of China’s modern history, especially the relations between the two parties. The book contains dozens of photographs of Mr. Zhang in various historical periods. Price: 13.85 yuan. “General Fu Zuoyi” General Fu Zuoyi made outstanding achievements in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. During the important moment of the Liberation War, he persisted in having held a far-reaching peace uprising in Peiping and set up a great merit. After the liberation, he devoted himself to the cause of water conservancy in new China and did fruitful work for the reunification cause of Taiwan’s return to the motherland. This book brings together more than thirty articles about the memory of General Fu Zuoyi, which realistically and vividly depicts his tortuous life. Price: 7.85 yuan.