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在2007年8月份由国务院主持召开的全国城市住宅工作会议上,如何保障低收入家庭的住房成为中心议题。厦门市的社会保障性住房建设模式作为经验被广泛交流。何谓社会保障性住房?厦门对这一概念的解释是:政府提供限定建设 At the national urban housing conference hosted by the State Council in August 2007, how to protect the housing of low-income families became a central issue. Xiamen’s social security housing construction model was widely exchanged as experience. What is social security housing? Xiamen’s explanation of this concept is: the government provides limited construction
针对职业学校传统的学生评价体系中存在的问题,结合学院实际,阐述了现行的学生道德银行制度的主要内容及其区别于传统评价标准的四大亮点。 Aiming at the problems existin