Objective: To study the microstructure of safflower aerial parts. Methods: Microstructural and powder features were observed using conventional microscopy. Results: The upper and lower leaves have inequalities of stomata. Leaf tissue arranged loosely, with reddish brown secreting cells scattered; main vein vascular bundle toughness, phloem, xylem around the fiber bundles are accompanied. Stem vascular outside the tough type, a micro-wood bast fiber bundle; inside the xylem also has a micro-wood fiber group; broad pith. Powder, secreting cells long tube-like, filled with yellow or red-brown cell secretions secretions, including inulin, stomatal infinitive, bundles of fibers, and more accompanied by the catheter, the catheter is mostly threaded catheter. Conclusion: The above characteristics can be used as the main microsatellite identification of safflower aerial parts.