1993年5月16日,本是一个普通的日子,但对于十一煤矿来说,却是一个不平常的、难忘的喜庆日。这天煤矿的广场上彩旗飘扬,鼓乐喧天,鞭炮动地,人声鼎沸。前来参加全价饲料厂投产庆典的国家科委、怀化地区行署、科委、煤炭局和黔阳县委、县政府领导及其他来宾共300多人。 全价配合饲料厂正式投产后,迅速崛起成为矿内龙头企业,其经济效益十分可观。1994年该厂产值1050万元,销售收入1205万元,利税31.3万元,分别占全矿的68%,71%,72%。其主产品“龙标饲料”在怀化地区饲料市场上独领风骚,占据了各县市的饲料销售点,而且名声远扬,拥有了北到常德、益阳,西到贵州,南到广西,东到零陵地区的广大用户。
May 16, 1993, this is an ordinary day, but for the 11 coal mines, it is an extraordinary, unforgettable festive day. This day the color of the coal mine plaza flying, noisy drums, firecrackers, voices. The State Science and Technology Commission, the Huaihua Administrative Office, the Science and Technology Commission, the Coal Bureau and the leaders of Qianyang County Party Committee, the county government and other guests came to participate in the ceremony of commissioning the full-scale feed mill. Full price with the feed plant formally put into operation, the rapid rise of a leading mining enterprises, its economic benefits are considerable. In 1994 the plant output 10.5 million yuan, sales revenue 12.05 million yuan, profits and taxes 313,000 yuan, accounting for 68% of the ore, 71%, 72%. Its main products, “Dragon Standard Feed” dominate the feed market in Huaihua, occupy the county’s feed sales points, and reputation far, with the north to Changde, Yiyang, west to Guizhou, south to Guangxi, east Lingling area of the vast number of users.