Baggage room is the place for passenger to check in and take baggage and baggage for short-term storage. Its location must be closely aligned with the flow of passengers and luggage at the passenger terminal. The use of luggage in the luggage room should be located on the ground floor leading to the station (manpower) so as to reduce the risk of traveling with luggage Elevation. Row package warehouse and parcel outdoor pile (soil manpower). Should be station and the station before the wide (Earth Manpower) have a convenient link, and with the cross-line equipment to consider together, sometimes in the station specifically designed to package luggage tunnel. The determination of the location of the luggage room must also minimize cross-cutting with other streamlines. The interference should not generally be located in the main site of the station (human manpower) and the place where a large number of tourists gather and must pass. In addition, the location of the luggage room should be convenient for the installation of outdoor luggage (manpower), large luggage and group luggage to be checked out and taken outdoors and to meet the needs of holidays and seasonal baggage storage. In setting