依靠科技进步 促进乡镇企业腾飞

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近几年来,遵化市全面落实科学技术是第一生产力的思想,把依靠科技进步,推进乡镇企业发展作为实施“科教兴市”战略的重要内容,大大提高了乡镇企业的运行质量和效益,有力地促进了经济增长方式的转变,从而在国家宏观调控,市场激烈竞争的形势下,始终保持了持续、快速、健康发展,企业素质不断提高,产业结构更趋优化。“八五”期间,我市乡镇企业年均发展速度达64.8%。我市依靠科技进步,加快乡镇企业发展中重点抓了四项工作。一、强化科技意识,把推进科技进步当作加快乡镇企业的主体战略来抓我们清醒地认识到,乡镇企业要抓住机遇,加快发展,“九五”时期越上一个新台阶,必须强化各级领导特别是企业及其主管部门的科技意识,把科技进步作为提高经济效益和市场竞争力的根本出路,坚定不移地推进企业技米进步,向科技进步要速度、要效益、求发展。为此,我们确立了以市场为导向,以科技进步为动力, In recent years, Zunhua City has fully implemented the idea that science and technology is the primary productive force, and relied on scientific and technological progress to promote the development of township and village enterprises as an important part of the implementation of the strategy of “prospering the city through science and education”, which greatly improved the quality of township and village enterprises. The benefits have effectively promoted the transformation of the economic growth mode, and thus maintained a sustained, rapid and healthy development under the state’s macro-control and fierce market competition. The quality of the company has been continuously improved and the industrial structure has been optimized. During the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, the average annual development rate of township enterprises in our city reached 64.8%. Relying on the progress of science and technology and accelerating the development of township and township enterprises, our city has focused on four tasks. First, strengthen scientific and technological awareness, and take promoting scientific and technological progress as an acceleration of the main strategies of township and village enterprises. We must clearly understand that township and village enterprises must seize opportunities, accelerate development, and reach a new stage during the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period, they must Strengthen the awareness of science and technology at all levels of the leadership, especially the enterprises and their competent departments, regard technological progress as the fundamental way to increase economic efficiency and market competitiveness, unswervingly advance the progress of enterprises’ technology, and accelerate the progress of science and technology. development of. To this end, we have established a market-oriented and scientific and technological progress as the driving force.
今年1-4月全国乡镇企业在党中央、国务院和地方各级党委政府积极经济政策引导和调控下,继续保持稳定发展,主要经济指标增长速度均高于上年同期,1-4月全国乡镇企业完成增加值37540亿元,同比增长11.18%;其中,出口增长较为迅速,1-4月全国乡镇企业完成出口交货值12840亿元,同比增长13.92%,比上年提高4.24个百分点。  主要经济指标较快增长,增速高于去年同期水平  1-4月,全国乡镇企
孙膑,本名已不可考,战国时齐国人,相传为《孙子兵法》作者孙武之后。孙膑与师兄庞涓共同习艺于当时的大师鬼谷子门下,由于孙膑曾受庞涓陷害而致残废,而后奇迹式的复仇成功,其传奇的一生,成了千古相传的历史,甚至成了许多民间艺术喜欢评论的故事;孙膑在民间的知名度,实不亚于其先祖孙武。本文想借孙膑的两个故事,来分享我们今日在销售与营销上,可以向孙膑学习之处。  相传孙膑与庞涓共同习艺于鬼谷子门下时,一日,鬼谷
为探讨抑癌基因p16 、癌基因Cyclin D1 和CDK4 在胰腺癌中的作用及其相互关系,应用免疫组织化学方法检测了p16 、Cyclin D1 和CDK4 基因在胰腺癌中的表达。结果:p16 在胰腺癌中为低表达,Cyclin D1 和CDK4 呈过度表达;p16 与Cyclin D1 呈负