西番莲Passifiora caerulea,又称西洋鞠,转心莲、转枝莲、时计果,我国最早的园艺专著《花镜》则称之为玉蕊花。它为西番莲科西番莲属多年生常绿草质藤本。《植物名实图考》,归属群芳类植物。吴其浚引(南越笔记》写道:“西番莲,其种来自西洋,蔓细如丝,朱色缭绕篱间。花初开如黄白莲,十余出。久之十余出者皆落,其蕊复变而鞠,瓣为莲而蕊。”按其所描述的形态与绘图,与现在的西番莲很是符合。
Passiflora Passifiora caerulea, also known as West Kowloon, turn heart lotus, turnip lotus, when the fruit, our earliest gardening monograph “reading glasses” is called jasminoides. It is Passiflora Passiflora perennial evergreen herbaceous vine. “Botanical name map test”, belonging to a group of aromatic plants. Wu Qi Jun cited (South Vietnam Notes, “wrote:” Passiflora, the species from the West, as thin as silk, color shrouded hedgerows .As early as yellow flowers bloom, more than ten out. Complex change and Ju, flap for the lotus and Rui. "According to the description of the form and drawing, and now the passion flower is in line.