“在改革开放中,党管武装的优良传统不能丢。民兵工作的“四项建设”内容不能少,保证后备力量建设的经费不能减,民兵预备役人员军政训练的质量不能水”。这是夹江县委书记兼县人武部党委第一书记李盛根管武装常讲的一席话。 管到家,用到位。对事关民兵、预
“In the course of reform and opening up, the fine tradition of the party’s management of armed forces can not be lost.” The “four constructions” of the militia’s work contain only a few elements, guaranteeing that funds for the construction of reserve forces can not be reduced and that the quality of military and civilian training for militia reservists should not be water. " This is the Jiajiang county party secretary and county party secretary Li Sheng rooted arms often say a word. Pipe home, use the bit. To the militia, pre-